Influence your travel with our passion says our establisher, Mrs.Khilna Haria.

We at destination diaries provide you a complete travel book which inspires you to travel all over India with its own touch of experience.

How did it all begin?

I have always had an inclination towards travelling since childhood. In 2000, when I took a trip to Shikharji, I felt the urge and curiosity to write everything down and so, I blogged the entire trip but, on a piece of paper.
Then, in 2003, Sikkim and Darjeeling trip was completely noted and jotted down. But what actually hit me towards making travelling a passion was a Kerala Trip that I planned back in 2005. Back then, computers and websites were of little use. So, I used to go to the tourism office, do all the research, collect catalogues and plan every single thing of the trip (from commutation to stay, from food to expenses).

With this passion, slowly and gradually over a span of 15 years, I have planned around 30-35 trips In and Out of India and have visited 25 states & Union Territories. I plan trips every year for my anniversary.
Last year, I realised that my passion is turning into a profession as many of my friends and relatives started consulting me to plan their trips, and that’s where I felt it was time to turn my passion into profession! And that’s how ladies and gentlemen, Destination Diaries was established.

Let’s Connect with Experience and not Profession. – Khilna Haria.

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